REM > Media Management

Media Management

This is the beginning of REM Mode! As a detail-oriented team, we are constantly thinking about how to optimize your company’s budget regarding digital marketing. With this service, we search and execute the best strategy. This is the time to define the platforms, the values that will accompany the strategies, and the targeting of audiences through micro-segmentation. We help you reach your ideal audience!

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In REM Media & Consulting we are your strategic partner. Our job is to provide solutions with a solid experience and a global reputation in Media Management for companies of every size. In REM Media & Consulting we understand that every business is unique and has its own specific digital marketing need. This is why we implement comprehensive strategies which may incorporate the creation of a digital community to a micro segmentation of the audiences to optimize your budget and to guarantee the best return of investment (ROI). Our approach focuses on helping your business gain rentability through investment strategies thoroughly taken care of by advanced tools and detailed oriented analysis to connect your brand with the ideal, most effective and efficient audience. The key to our success is the constant monitoring of data we gather. We use high-end platforms to analyze in real time the performance of your campaigns which allow us to act rapidly to opportunities that the digital environment offers and to continuously optimize the strategies to get better results.

In REM Media & Consulting we are committed to offer a first-class service which is supported by our team of experts with a network of clients and tools. Allow us to take your media strategy to the next level to help you reach your commercial objectives in an efficient and effective way.

Our comprehensive services are detailed to every stage of our business taken into account through different techniques and trends such as:

A tool which gathers the user’s interest for your brand.

A way to automate your online shopping catalog.

A tool to target products and services to a target audience according to their interests and behaviors, it reaches a wide range for a low cost for interaction.

A way to maximize the performance of your marketing campaigns by using an advanced machine learning tool which allows users to see ADs in multiple formats and channels optimizing the delivery to reach objectives such as conversion, sales or leads. This type of ADs are designed to get optimized and efficient results on advertising investment.

Your brand connects to users through various platforms that capture the attention inside the platform using different resources such as In-Stream, Videos In-Feed, Anuncios Bumper, Masthead, among others.

Your business is positioned by the localization of your audiences.

The worldwide biggest social community which creates major connections with your objective audience by using a wide diversity of ADs with images, videos, sequences and instant experiences among others.

Tiktok’s creativity and its various tools and programmes is used to tackle the complete funnel for your audience platform to get major levels of popularity & promotions.

Your business is positioned in a professional’s network by adding ADs segmented according to companies, profiles, charges to utilize several types of ADs.

Design spaces to reach audiences through streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon, Playstation among others to leverage rising popularity in TV networks.

It creates, administrates and optimizes audiences with affiliate programmes to tackle specific databases to your business to analyze your performance and data.

Algorithms and data are oriented by targeted campaigns to specific audiences that impact websites, social media, apps and endless additional channels where you can show ads in real time for an oriented target.

Your platforms and licenses available are adapted to integrate every media network to the available data of your clients by working hand in hand with campaigns that involve CRM, DSP & Email Marketing.

Your digital marketing plan impacts audiences by the use of interactive screen displays on the streets, transports, malls among other locations with strategic push notifications in real time.

Proving that we are the best option for you to have growth means demonstrating that we know what we are doing.

Our agency is certified by our partners and their various programs.

We are partners



Our philosophy as a digital marketing agency is to know how to create the best strategies through tracking, analysis and monitoring of data and its context. We say no to isolated data.

We use the sales funnel and the implementation of a consumer journey to generate in-context moments, analyzing how this is reflected in the data. We leverage the development of a consumer journey as the cornerstone for all our strategies and media distribution plans.

The pursuit of effective results is guided by three precise indicators:


Of actions through
different channels


 Of the objective message

Audience building

According to how your users behave

At REM Media & Consulting we implement a methodology that becomes the perfect equation to find the best outcomes.

That's what we call being in REM Mode.

On boarding

Get to know your client - study every detail – add value to the commercial process - Go for it!


Plan media & set goals. Analyze every detail. Set opportunities through a media activation calendar


Try campaigns with care - Set a smart budget– Build audiences– Optimize Budget.

Roll out

Do magic!! Execute strategies.  We allow ourselves to be guided by analysis & data.

Data Analysis

Create a personalized dashboard– Study every detail of the audience's behavior


Optimize constant investment – Implementation of ROI.

Success stories

From Data Analysis to Brand Awareness, E-commerce Marketing & extraordinary ROI.

Our success stories are real.

Data analysis + Good strategies x Successful results = REM Media & Consulting

Our clients

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We transform data into results. With our services, we unlock your potential.

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We enhance your business data. We turn it into excellent results.

Our services are like the REM sleep cycle: Fast, intense. Deep.