REM > Caso de éxito > Banco internacional

Banco internacional
Casos de éxito

Banco internacional

rem - Banco internacional
Increase brand growth and conversion, focused on the digitalization of 4 products for the personal segment.
  • +40%

    Record number of visits to the website, with sustained growth year after year

  • +400%

    in interaction and conversion on the site

  • +3.000

    sales in the first year | +200 sales in the second year

The goal

Increase and implement strategies with focus on conversion to achieve potential customers. Increase market share and quality service to new customers always considering the customer profiling that the bank is looking for.

El challenge

Moving from traditional exposure and advertising (off) to the online channel (on) with a pilot product, which seeks to diversify the product portfolio and become relevant in a new niche.

Poor traceability, data inefficiency and user experience are some of the challenges that we had to monetize and have verifiable data..

The solution

Strategies based on the following: 

  • Optimization and Data Usage: integration of conversions API and DMP (Data Management Platform)
  • Campaigns focused on performance: raise high conversion levels to grow during the set period.  
  • Audience clustering and A/B testing: building data clusters that allowed us to quickly identify the ideal user with the highest likelihood of conversion, achieving an increase in sales volume.Thus building models that attribute digital behavior to a financial product risk profile.

Building efficient strategies focused on analytics allows us to continue growing in the different products, maintaining the projected conversion levels.